Click on a question to view the answer.
Q. What insurance does Dr. Cosulich accept?
A. Please view our list of participating health insurances.
Q. May I eat prior to my surgery?
A. Yes.
Q. Do I need to stop taking any medications before or after surgery?
A. Never stop taking a medication prescribed by another physician without his or her permission. If you are on any blood thinners or anti-coagulants, we may ask you to speak with the prescribing physician to see if you can safely stop them for a short period prior to surgery. If not, we will still be able to perform the surgery, but there may be a higher risk of post-operative bleeding.
Q. What type of anesthesia is used for surgery?
A. We only use local anesthesia (usually lidocaine with or without epinephrine).
Q. How long will my surgical procedure take?
A. For a normal excision (non-Mohs), the procedure normally takes between 20-45 minutes. For Mohs surgery, the length of the procedure is highly variable. Most cases usually require you to be in the office for 2-4 hours, although complicated cases can take longer. The most time consuming aspect of the procedure is the tissue processing, and during this time you will be in the waiting room.